My favorite artistic subgenre: "scary women gesturing imperiously”

Goddess of wisdom and tiny owls! I like playing with the metallic and stony textures of her armor and skin.

Watch Netflix’s Castlevania.

Everyone’s favorite lord of the dead.

The Pyromancer
Metallic textures are never easy, so I always enjoy the chance to play around with them! Also, fire is fun.

Sun Wukong
Everyone’s favorite cheeky monkey! I like drawing his eyes glowing from the pupil.

The Simurgh
“I’ll give her a bunch of wings and a swirling mass of flowing hair! THAT won’t get confusing to color later!” -Red, a fool, a damned fool

Dragon Sorceress
I absolutely love how her scales turned out.

Bacchae Dionysus
I made a brush specifically to draw vines. I’ve been flagrantly abusing the power it gave me ever since.

The Shinto trickster god of foxes. I think I spent a solid 45 minutes just on his eyes.

I love drawing DBZ characters. They’re just so… glowy.

A goddess from Pathfinder. RPGs always have way more visually interesting deities than real mythologies.